AccuBeat is an Ultra Stable Oscillator (USO) for the European Space Agency’s (ESA) prestigious JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) mission. Qualified for Deep Space Exploration, AccuBeat’s USO will serve as the central source of timing in this unique mission.
AccuBeat is also the sole supplier of the AR81 Rubidium Frequency standard which is an integral part of the ground equipment of the European GNSS Galileo program.
- David Fagelston
- HaMarpeh 5, Jerusalem, Israel
- +97225868330
- +97225868550
Our Representatives
Space missions and Deep Space Exploration programs rely on high precision Atomic clocks and AccuBeat is proud to have been selected to develop and produce an Ultra Stable Oscillator (USO) for the European Space Agency’s (ESA) JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) mission. AccuBeat’s space qualified solution for deep space will serve as the central source of timing in the mission and will be part of a radio science occultation experiment headed by Professor Yohai Kaspi and Dr. Eli Galanti from the Weizmann Institute in collaboration with Professor Luciano Less from the Radio Science laboratory in Rome University. The experiment will probe Jupiter’s atmosphere by following the phase variations of the radio waves passing through the atmosphere while the spacecraft transmits to earth using AccuBeat’s ultra-high stability frequency source. The USO was developed in cooperation with the Israeli Space Agency.
AccuBeat’s USO is a high-stability quartz crystal oscillator utilizing a high Q crystal resonator and high temperature stability in the range of 100µ kelvin. The USO designed by AccuBeat, has an Allan Deviation substantially better than the required spec of 5E-13 at integration constants of 1 to 1000 seconds, making it the most stable oscillator of its type designed for deep space exploration. AccuBeat’s USO has been designed to meet this specification while subjected to demanding EMC effects and the harsh environment around Jupiter with radiation levels reaching as high as 100kRad on some internal components.
AccuBeat’s AR81 was specifically designed to meet the requirements of Galileo – Europe’s GNSS Satellite and Navigation system. The AR81 is a 1U, 19” rack-mounted unit featuring an ultra high-stability and ultra-low phase noise Rubidium Frequency Standard. The unit has six 10 MHz outputs and two redundant power supplies. AccuBeat’s AR81 is an integral part of the ground equipment of Galileo since the initial stages of the project.
Contact us to discuss with one of our experts the best off the shelf or fully customized timing solution for your next project.